On all our services our KDS standard terms and conditions apply. You can download and read them here. By agreeing to these standard terms and conditions you accept that the General Transport Conditions of AVC (latest version) will apply to carriage of goods by road. If the international convention for the Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) applies, then the AVC 2002 will apply supplementary where the CMR is silent. Download here. To our freight forwarding activities, the Dutch Forwarding Conditions (latest version) as deposited by ‘FENEX’ at the registry of the district courts at Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam apply, with the exclusion of clause 23 Download here.
Copies of all conditions mentioned are available on request. All disputes arising from or relating to our services can exclusively be adjudicated by the competent court in Rotterdam. All our services are governed by Dutch Law. The term of payment for invoices shall be 30 days from the date of the invoice. Insurances will only be covered on written instruction.